jueves, 3 de abril de 2008

Sir Jhon Roberts (Bartholomew Roberts Trulock)

Este retrato fue pintado en 1721, unos meses antes de morir por un disparo en el cuello.

1 comentario:

vleonica dijo...

I have 2 questions.

Why do you add Sir & why Trulock to his name?

He was not knighted or otherwise raised to the peerage. His father was an Esquire & keeper of the church within Little Newcastle (meaning they look after it. The family still does to this day (see Richard Davies), that's all.

Next. Where did you acquire the reference material to link the date ONLY painting was done in 1721?

You seem to have errored. His DOB was May 17, 1682. You're off by a decade.

You can write me at vleonica@vleonica.com
that's (in case this blogger will not permit emails &c
vleonica AT vleonica DOT com

I am the writer (channeled thru me) of his memoirs. Also a relative. I would like to hear more about your relation with him.